Why Traction boards and not Winch?
Off-roading not only brings thrill and adventure with it but also some challenges on rough or difficult terrains and during harsh weather conditions. One should anticipate getting the truck stuck in sand if you’re wheeling in a desert or in mud if it’s the rainy season or in the snow if it’s snowy and cold. While using a winch is the ultimate recovery method, it can be both time-consuming and a complex mechanism. Finding a stable anchor point, installing shackles, and then pulling can be taxing where just a little traction is required to move the truck forward. Traction boards come in handy in such situations.
But what are Recovery Traction Boards?

Jeep owners are quite familiar with traction or more commonly called recovery boards. These are nylon or hard-plastic planks that are flat in shape and have patterns engraved onto them to provide friction. These are wedged under the wheels to prevent wheel spinning and provide them with a frictional surface to gain traction either forward or backward. Though traction is the primary purpose, recovery boards offer other services too such as shoveling the mud or sand from under and in front of the wheel. Another important utilization can be on loose or rocky terrains where these traction boards can act as a bridge after being bent or flexed. However, you should clearly check the product information to see if the traction boards are flexible enough to be bent, else you might damage the boards and be unable to use these for the very purpose they are made for.
Desired Characteristics of Traction boards

While making recovery tracks purchase some considerations to be taken into account are the strength of the boards, the overall cost, flexibility to bend, durability, and lightweight. Recovery traction boards by LED Factory Mart provide check for all these characteristics. These are manufactured with super-strong engineering-grade reinforced polypropylene material that have a loading capacity of ten tons. They are highly durable which is evident from the fact that they are resistant to ultraviolet rays and offer sufficient tensile strength and thermal stability. Owing to these properties, these traction boards don’t easily get damaged or worn out. Also, the price they are up for is quite reasonable with the amazing quality they are coming with. These are also convenient to carry because of the side handles that comply with the ergonomic principles. The light weight makes them not only easy to carry but also to store either on top of your vehicle or inside the trunk. The flexibility allows them to be flexed at a maximum of 150 degrees. To read thoroughly about the product specifications, click to visit the link!
In a Nutshell
Off-road traction boards are an investment totally worth making! You would not want to be stuck in a situation where using a winch is not an option owing to the scarcity of time and resources, traction boards will be your go-to equipment then.